Rates, schedule and services
To find out about our schedule, our rates, the 3 types of visits offered as well as the various services available at our museum.
Welcome to the maritime Park!
Rates, schedule and services
To find out about our schedule, our rates, the 3 types of visits offered as well as the various services available at our museum.
About us
The maritime Park is a museum institution accredited by the ministry of Culture and Communications that recounts the rich history of wooden shipbuilding on Île d’Orléans. The site is indoor and outdoor which includes two buildings to visit. The Godbout rowboat shop which is a historic building containing a collection of heritage tools as well as the interpretation center of the Shipyard of Saint-Laurent, the rest of the visit takes place outside. As the site is heritage, there are entrance fees to access the museum for its maintenance as well as for the conservation of the Shipyard. Come visit our site and its breathtaking view of the St. Lawrence River!
To discover at the maritime Park!
Come and discover the various attractions that make up the historical richness of the maritime Park!
View our collection of vintage tools
Our inventory of over 200 tools from our 1837 rowboat shop is online for wooden shipbuilding enthusiasts!
The archive gallery of the Shipyard
Visit our vast gallery of archival photos and videos showing the Shipyard during its operation between 1908 and 1967. A part of Mario Coulombe’s archives is also available.
Partners of the maritime Park
We have several cultural and financial partners supporting the heritage mission of the Park.